Ummm...  Sure, but not really my question, either.  Not questioning the
wisdom, just the technical issues.  Perhaps someone can point me to the
relevant archives so I can look?


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:14 AM
Subject: RE: [sqlite] PHP5 && SQLite3

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, Keith Herold wrote:

>Out of curiosity, how hard would it be to build a translation layer?  I 
>suppose it's easier to keep both versions around, and upgrade when 
>necessary, but as a technical problem, it's at least interesting?  Only 
>downwardly, of course, so there would be no expectation that 2.X could 
>use 3.X, just the reverse.  It had sounded as if only the file format 
>was the problem; is it more than that?
>I'm not pushing, in any sense, just wondering if anyone has looked at 
>this issue with an eye to resolving it.

There's nothing to resolve. In the discussion of SQLite3 requirements
earlier in the year, one of the issues that came up was database migration,
and the concensus on the list at the time was to forgo automatic migration
to keep the library simple.

Migration can be done very simply using the sqlite/sqlite3 shells and the
.dump command.

This was a conscious deliberate decision.



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