Because wxString::Format doesn't have the '%q' functions which sqlite provides ;-)

At 21:30 25/10/2004, you wrote:

I assume you are using wxWidgets.. why don't you consider using the
specific functions for that purpose included in the wxString class?
wxString::Format and wxString::FormatV


On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 20:43:31 +0200, Steven Van Ingelgem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I wanted to create my own "Format"-thingie, based upon my own database:
>  -----------------------------------------------------
>  Source
>  -----------------------------------------------------
>  wxString SQLite3_Db::Format( const wxString& format, ... )
>  {
>    va_list marker;
>    va_start(marker, format);
>    char * t = sqlite3_vmprintf( format.mb_str(wxConvUTF8).data(), marker );
>    va_end(marker);
>    wxString retVal( t, wxConvUTF8 );
>    sqlite3_free( t );
>    return retVal;
>  }
>  -----------------------------------------------------
>  The problem here is that I get very weird results... Now tracing down, I
> found that in vxprintf (printf.c) "v = va_arg(ap,int);" is done (my first
> argument is %d).
>  Now what he gets there is the second parameter!

>  To be more clear:
>  SQLite3_Db::Format( "%d%s", 123, "Test" );
>  Then sqlite finds the first %d, tries to get the value of it, but finds the
> pointer pointing to 'Test'...

>  What did I do wrong?
>  Thx ;)

>  KaReL (aka Steven)
>  Main Webpage :
>  ICQ #        : 35217584


KaReL (aka Steven)

Main Webpage :
ICQ #        : 35217584

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