Richard Boehme said:
> Hi there. How well does SQLite do in a client/server environment where
> the SQLite database is handling a batch of 100 inserts and the same
> number of queries a every 0.5 seconds? The inserts would be batched into
> a transaction. The queries would most likely not.

I'm not trying to run down SQLite here, but don't you think that this kind
of load justifies a pretty heavy duty database?  SQLite is a disk based
database, not a client server database.  For that kind of throughput, the
traditional choice has been a large scale client server database, and
there's been a pretty good reason why that's been so.  100 separate
clients trying to access the same file on disk is bound to cause a fiew
problems.  The capacity of the database driver is probably the least of
your worries.

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