Christopher Petrilli wrote:

Has anyone had any experience in storing a million or more rows in a
SQLite3 database? I've got a database that I've been building, which
gets 250 inserts/second, roughly, and which has about 3M rows in it. At that point, the CPU load is huge.

Note that I've got syncing turned off, because I'm willing to accept
the risks.



I have a database with almost 1.4 records in one table and over half a million in another. I treat them like they are read-only so I cannot advise you about write performance except to urge you to read the document on about performance... I do notice that doing anything like creating an index takes a while, as do joins. When I do, I hear my variable speed fan rev-up, so the load is definitely higher...

Here's a silly idea: If you have enough RAM and you don't care about sync'ing then could you run things in memory... like on a RAM disk or buy one of those RAM hard-drives?


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