Hi Tito,

It now doesn't crash immediately after a null....

and you can re-download it from:
http://homepage.mac.com/fernandoluis/.cv/fernandoluis/Public/ SquidSQL.zip-link.zip

this might be a little off-topic but I have also started on a 10g "SquidSQL" for Oracle. TOra is having some problems and my "first big love in DBs" was always Oracle (ok, more a love-hate relationship...); if someone will be interested I can email them the SquidSQL4Ora soon.

On Dec 15, 2004, at 4:14 AM, Tito Ciuro wrote:

Hi Jeff,

Works for me...

By the way, SquidSQL crashed with my data:

Date/Time:      2004-12-15 10:10:16 +0100
OS Version:     10.3.6 (Build 7R28)
Report Version: 2

Command: SquidSQL
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90006e40 strlen + 0x20
1 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x901a654c CFStringCreateWithCString + 0x24
2 com.autokrator.SquidSQL 0x0000936c -[SQLResRow init:nrcols:row:] + 0xf4 (crt.c:300)
3 com.autokrator.SquidSQL 0x00009b94 -[TableData(PrivateUtilities) loadData] + 0x1e8 (crt.c:300)
4 com.autokrator.SquidSQL 0x00009528 -[TableData init:db:] + 0x6c (crt.c:300)
5 com.autokrator.SquidSQL 0x00008f04 -[DB setTable:] + 0x54 (crt.c:300)
6 com.autokrator.SquidSQL 0x00008900 -[AppController tableViewSelectionDidChange:] + 0xf8 (crt.c:300)

I think the SQLResRow doesn't support nil. Also, the use of stringWithCString and initWithCString is discouraged because it will be deprecated.

-- Tito

On Dec 15, 2004, at 10:01, Jeff Edwards wrote:

I have tried opening some existing sqlite3 files, but the browser shows nothing. Perhaps i am doing something wrong?

it sounds like a great tool!

I am on 10.3.6 of OSX


Jeff Edwards

On 14/12/2004, at 12:22 PM, Fernando Morgan wrote:

For MacOS X 10.3 users;

I was going to start to using sqlite in a project, but I need first to create a skeleton of a browser to add some of my data.

If someone wants to use it (disclaimer: version 0.1 software), it's here:

http://homepage.mac.com/fernandoluis/.cv/fernandoluis/Public/ SquidSQL.zip-link.zip (368k)

On starting, it open a file browser to open the db file. If this is cancel, it opens a Save File dialog and can create new db files. If this is also cancelled, well.. there's not much you can do besides Command-Q.

What is working: the table browser; it allows for viewing the data and to insert/update and delete rows in the table.

Table management (creating tables and dropping them) isn't working yet (some capability to create tables with text fields).

Done with SQLite 3.0.8.


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