On Wednesday 05 January 2005 13:05, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> Thorsten Schuett wrote:
> > have I missed something obvious or is my explanation that bad?
> Your original posting was lengthy and dense.  I doubt many people took
> the time to read it.
Thanks for the kind paraphrase of "hard to read". ;-)

> > Can I make sqlite use a more complex index for the joins? E.g.:
> > foreach row_type in  type where row_type.mdc_value="MDC_HFN"
> >  foreach row_parent in parent where row_parent.mdc_value="/tmp/file-test"
> > and row_parent.mdc_oid = row_type.mdc_oid
> > [...]
> > So that the if-statements are converted into index-lookups?
> Create indices as follows:
>     CREATE INDEX idx1 ON type(mdc_value);
>     CREATE INDEX idx2 ON parent(mdc_value, mdc_oid);
Damnit. I create such indices but not on all tables.

Thanks a lot,

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