On Wednesday 02 February 2005 7:52 am, John Dean wrote:
> At 14:57 02/02/2005, Paul Malcher wrote:
> >Scott Chapman wrote:
> >>Regarding the issue of SQL Server vs. SQLite:
> >>If the choice were between SQL Server and SQLite, and the need came up
> >>that SQLite could not meet, I'd pitch for PostgreSQL (_not_
> >>MySQL).  PostgreSQL version 8.0 has been released and runs natively on
> >> Windows.
> >
> >When it comes to PostgreSQL vs MySQL there is only one answer. OWNED!
> >PostgreSQL has been around for far longer that MySQL its more mature, it
> >can handle the heavy loads without slowing down. Next to PostgreSQL,
> >SQLite is the best choice, both aboslutely kick butt.
> Even though I used to work for MySQL I have always regarded PostgreSQL as
> being to better. MySQL is fine for driving data driven web site and that
> it. If you want more then PostgreSQL is the natural choice. Now that I have
> found SQLite my priorities have changed; I no longer use MySQL for anything

I have found that MySQL should not be used for data driven web sites as well.  
It has non-standard SQL (especially enum and set).  If you are designing in 
MySQL, don't use them.  I have to migrate a database that I inherited from 
MySQL to Postgres and I'm fighting with the "set" data type.  PG doesn't 
support it and the tools that are available to do the conversion are 
inadequate.  There is no advantage to using MySQL over Postgres.  It's not 
any great deal easier to implement or administer.

I talked with the author of the GIS extension to MySQL and found that it is a 
poorly written database overall.  PostGIS is much better implemented and much 
more maintainable by the developers.  The docs for Postgres are better as 

Between the incompatible/incomplete SQL, the quality of the code under the 
hood, the maturity of the product (version 5 _finally_ has views!?), etc., I 
will never use it and do not recommend it for others.  Use SQLite for your 
"Lite" lifting and Postgres for everything else.

<further off-topic>
I feel the same way about PHP.  Use Python instead.  PHP is not a good quality 
language.  It amazes me that MySQL and PHP have mind-share out there when 
they are no where near as good as the other free tools available.  It proves 
over and over again that technical excellence does not gain market share. 
Marketing gains market share.
</further off-topic>


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