It's been awhile since Iooked at this, but I distinctly remember
reading from one of the product managers at MS that this wouldn't be
fixed until 2005.  The basic details were, I think, that the 'native'
multithreaded C++ applications, under heavy load, would kill deadlock
and halt.  Since I work for a speech recognition company, the cpu is
*always* under heavy load, and the problem has kept us from moving to
.NET .  Otherwise, I think we would probably do switch, since there
are some frustrating bugs in VC6 that have been fixed.

I also don't know if this has been fixed already, or not.


On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 17:31:14 -0500, Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 02:25:06PM -0800, Keith Herold wrote:
> > Well, MS has said that VC++ .NET has a serious multithreading issue;
> > a lot of companies are staying on VC6 for that reason.
> Keith, I wasn't aware of that.  Could you point us to more info on the
> problem, please?
> --
> Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Ever notice how 'big' isn't, compared to 'small'?

- Sounds like a Wookie; acts like mad cow.

- I'm not a professional; I just get paid to do this.

- Rules for programming:
   1.  Get it working, right?
   2.  Get it working right.

- Things I've learned about multithreaded programming:

    123...   PPArrvooottieedcc ttm  ueelvvteeirrtyyhtt
rhheiianndgge  dwi hnpi rctohhg eri aslm omscitanalgt 
 iowcbh,je engceltvo ebwrah lip,co hso srci abonlt ehb
.ee^Nr waicscee snsoetd  'aotb jtehcet -slaomcea lt'il
m^Ne from two or more threads

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