> Before binding an address to a statement using sqlite3_bind_int64() I apply an
> offset to the address to translate it to a signed value. And when reading out
> an address using sqlite3_column_int64() I reverse the process. I.e.

>     dbase_value = addr_value - offset
>     addr_value = dbase_value + offset

>     where offset = ((uin64_t)~0 >> 1) + 1

> this works fine for simple uses where I'm just storing and retrieving the
> value. But if I want to do more complex queries involving arithmetic, for
> example:

>     SELECT * From Example WHERE ? < (begin + end);

It is rather messy, but if you defer offsetting the values until you
compare them it should work (except maybe / and %).

1. Don't adjust the values when inserting into db

2. Do adjust the values on either side of a compare.

SELECT * From Example WHERE (? + 9223372036854775808) < ((begin + end) + 

Of course, once you go this route, forget using indexes.


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