On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 15:11 +0100, Ben Clewett wrote:
> The posting seemed to indicate a user was experiencing the 'database 
> schema has changed' during the first INSERT after a VACUUM.
> The suggested solution was to close/open the db after the VACUUM.

I do not know who suggested a close/open of the database
after a VACUUM, but that seems like bad advice to me.
It is harmless though unnecessary.

An SQLITE_SCHEMA error simply means that you need to
rerun sqlite3_prepare in order to regenerate the statement
because the structure of the database has changed since
the last time sqlit3_prepare was run.  All you have
to do is rerun sqlite3_prepare.  Closing and opening
the database first is not necessary.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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