Hello all,

I have updated my SQLite 3.x C++ wrapper (at
http://dev.int64.org/sqlite.html).  The API is a bit different, but I
think it's significantly better than the old one:

Everything is now in the sqlite3x namespace, so you can include
sqlite3.h without errors.

Prepared statements are now prepared only once in the sqlite3_command
ctor so they should be much faster.

Readers are now reference counted so you don't have to manually close() them.

The new sqlite3_transaction class allows exception-safe transactions:
if they go out of scope before you call the commit() method they will
automatically rollback() the database.

Relevant classes use boost::noncopyable to make sure you don't copy
construct/assign them.  if you don't want to use boost it's only 4
lines to change.

Tell me what you think!

Cory Nelson

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