SQLite stores text as UTF-8 - this is the default and it can be changed to 
UTF16, but you would probably encounter similar problems.

"ü" is the UTF-8 representation of "ü" - to retrieve and display the German 
Umlaut you must decode the UTF-8 encoded text to its Unicode representation. 
For more on Unicode and UTF-8, see http://www.unicode.org.

I have written a SQLite database explorer named SQLiteSpy which displays UTF-8 
encoded SQLite databases including German Umlauts. SQLiteSpy is available for 
free from


You can also uses SQLiteSpy to enter Umlauts as SQL and they will be 
automatically encoded as appropriate (UTF-8 or UTF-16) and stored in your 



>I'm reading Information from a SQLite database. But this Information
>contains German umlauts like ä, ö, ü. When I get these Information back in
>my Programm, these umlauts are unreadable. The ü for example is ü. The
>umlauts are stored in the Database correctly.
>Can somebody tell me, what I have to do, that the umlauts are displayes
>correctly exept a string manipulation after data-reading?

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