>>>>> "DRH" == D Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DRH> On Wed, 2005-06-22 at 16:37 -0400, Charles Hines wrote:
>> Things seemed to be going rather well at first, but now quite frequently his
>> app is getting the "library routine called out of sequence" error (at
>> seemingly random times and places), and I have to say that I'm a little
>> perplexed.

DRH> I'm perplexed too.  It isn't too hard to get an 
DRH> SQLITE_MISUSE from the C interface (just call any
DRH> of the API routines with a bogus sqlite3* handle,
DRH> for example) but I thought the TCL interface 
DRH> completely insulated you from all of that.

I had a feeling that should be the case...

DRH> I've been looking through the code and trying
DRH> things and I cannot reproduce the problem.  Please
DRH> let me know if you get any more clues...

I will.


Charles K. Hines                                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

     "When things don't sound evil enough on their own I like to toss in
      a BU-WHA-HA-HA-HA".                       - Catbert (from Dilbert)

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