On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, Brass Tilde wrote:

> > p.s.  as a side note, the whole point of this exercise is to build
> > a *really* small footprint DB for an embedded system for which
> > space is at a premium, and sqlite came highly recommended.
> If you look on SourceForge, there is a project called
> adodotnetsqlite, http://sourceforge.net/projects/adodotnetsqlite/,
> and the programmers there have mentioned a version of SQLite
> compiled for handheld platforms.  I know that they use a version of
> that for the .NET provider they are writing.

ok, i just took a quick look there and, personally, there's just a wee
bit too much ".vcl" and ".vcp" and ".net" and so forth for my comfort
level. :-P  i'll take a shot at the full sqlite and see where that
takes me, but i'll keep the alternative in mind.  thanks.


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