I have a problem with SQLite locking when trying to allocate memory. I don't know whether this is my problem, or something else. But the problem occurs inside SQLite.

A backtrack shows:

/usr/local/lib/libsqlite3.so.0(sqlite3ParserAlloc+0x26) [0x4013d1c6]
/usr/local/lib/libsqlite3.so.0(sqlite3RunParser+0xa3) [0x40146033]
/usr/local/lib/libsqlite3.so.0(sqlite3_prepare+0x159) [0x40134fd9]

Which locks in this function, in the file parse.c:

void *sqlite3ParserAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t)){
  yyParser *pParser;
  pParser = (yyParser*)(*mallocProc)( (size_t)sizeof(yyParser) );  // *
  if( pParser ){
    pParser->yyidx = -1;
  return pParser;

* = locking line of code. During the 'malloc' stage, which is I think passed into this function.

I have tried malloc in my own code, which will happily malloc up to gigabytes in size.

This occurs after several calls to sqlite3_prepare, say 22 calls. In each case I call 'sqlite3_finalize'. During a lock, the code waits indefinitely and has to be killed. Called by Apache.

I am sure this is something I have done. But I do not know what would effect the ability or SQLite to malloc memory.

If there are any users who have experienced this and may know what I can do, I would be really glad to hear.

Kind regards,

Ben Clewett.

Apologies if this is wholly irrelevant.

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