On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 08:46 -0500, Henry Miller wrote:
> >In my opinion system time stamps etc are not a reliable means of
> >comparing 2 files. Many things can change the timestamp of a file,
> >without changing the contents, and one (server) os/filesystem can
> >report a different file size to another (local) for the same file
> >(contents). As I said already, I think having a version number
> >embedded in the databse itself is much more relible.
> You should be running NTP (network time protocol) on all computers.
> This will keep all your system times to within milliseconds.   Unix
> systems keep the last modified times tamp separately.  Microsoft
> Windows sets (resets?  I can never remember) the archive bit, which
> could be abused to tell you when a file is modified - at the cost of
> breaking backups so I can't recommend it.

NTP isn't relevant. Set the mtime to whatever you saw on the server
using wstat() or utime() or what have you. Don't bother trying "to get

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