On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 12:56 +0300, mike cariotoglou wrote:
> I have found a bug in the way sqlite treats ORDER BY clauses.
>   select kinapo.ekey, kinapo.polhths
>   from eidh inner join kinapo on eidh.ekey=kinapo.ekey
>   order by eidh.ekey, kinapo.polhths
>   ==============================================

I'll eventually get to this.  If Dan's fix is correct, though,
the problem was introduced after 3.2.2.  Are you sure you are
not using code out of CVS?

In any event, adding a unary "+" operator to the first term
of the ORDER BY clause will likely work around the problem
by defeating the optimizer:

    ORDER BY +eidh.ekey, kinapo.polhths
             ^--  unary "+" here

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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