On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 22:55 -0400, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
>   Weaknesses in RC4 have been found where
> the first few numbers coming out of the PRNG leak information about the
> key.  If an attacker can guess the first few bytes of plaintext, and
> hence guess the first few numbers from the PRNG, and can do this many
> many times (millions of times) then the attacker can eventually
> reconstruct
> the key.

I noticed this. You understate how much it helps. The first few cycles
of RC4 are so bad that key recovery is easy for modern general purpose

> The usual defense against this attack (and the one used by SQLite)
> is to discard the first 1000 bytes or so of information coming out
> of the PRNG.  No key information leaks into later bytes of the
> PRNG stream (at least as far as we know) so this secures the cypher
> from attack.

It doesn't need to leak information about the key. A combination
known-plaintext and known-ciphertext attack works very well against RC4.


Since the header is well known, convincing the program to encrypt the
database (by say, making a change to it) several times allows the user
to collect some known-plaintext and lots of ciphertext very quickly.

The usual defense against this attack is to mix some random information
into the beginning of the plaintext.

A better defense: use a different key each time. Encrypt the session key

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