
Regarding the TEMP keyword, the documentation states:

If the "TEMP" or "TEMPORARY" keyword occurs in between "CREATE" and "TABLE" then the table that is created is only visible within that same database connection and is automatically deleted when the database connection is closed. Any indices created on a temporary table are also temporary. Temporary tables and indices are stored in a separate file distinct from the main database file.

If a <database-name> is specified, then the table is created in the named database. It is an error to specify both a <database-name> and the TEMP keyword, unless the <database-name> is "temp". If no database name is specified, and the TEMP keyword is not present, the table is created in the main database.

If I execute a statement such as 'CREATE TEMP TABLE...' without specifying the database name, where is the SQL statement stored? I've tried using 'temp' as the database name, but it doesn't return anything.


-- Tito

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