On Tue Nov 01, 2016 at 03:15:43PM +0000, Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 1 Nov 2016, at 3:14pm, Rob Willett <rob.sql...@robertwillett.com>
> wrote:
> > We use the Perl DBD module all the time. What I would expect to see
> > is [... good stuff ...]
> Ah, thanks for the explanation.  I always had trouble understanding
> Perl's approach to anything.  Hope the OP's problem gets solved.

For trivial value types (e.g. obvious strings and/or numbers) Rob's
explaination is usually all one needs to know:

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare('statement with ? and ?');

One can even combine prepare, execute & fetch all in one go:

    my @array = $dbh->selectrow_array($statement, \%attr, @bind_values);

Unfortunately I can't always do the above steps due to Perl or DBI or
DBD::SQLite making wrong assumptions about the type of the value being
bound.  If I wanted to store say a phone number string (for example
"+417612341234") or a string composed of integers with a leading zero
(012) and just pass it in naively it could get converted to a plain
number (417612341234 or 12) which is not what I want.

So in those cases I have to bind each value separately, specifying the
type. [ This is usually more of an issue with databases that are more
strongly typed than SQLite. ]

    my $sth = $db->prepare('statement with ? and ?');
    $sth->bind_param(1, '2016-08-01', SQL_DATETIME);
    $sth->bind_param(1, '012', SQL_VARCHAR);
In fact my code is always doing the bind_param calls individually
because I have an abstraction layer that does it that way whether I
need it or not. There is probably a performance hit but it is somewhere
below the noise floor.

Mark Lawrence
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