On 2016-11-06 3:50 AM, vfclists . wrote:
On 8 January 2016 at 01:47, Stephen Chrzanowski <pontia...@gmail.com> wrote:
I personally wish the reverse.  I wish that these interpreted language
engines would incorporate the SQLite code directly into their own existence
to avoid having to write wrappers to begin with, except for those wrappers
where their method name is "DatabaseOpen" and I prefer "OpenDatabase".

SQLite has been around for years, and "R", PHP, Java, Perl, and all these
other interpreted new and old style languages have never bothered to
incorporate this public domain database engine within itself.  It isn't
like the maintainers of these languages don't know it doesn't exist, and if
they didn't, then my god they gotta get out from under that rock.  Most web
browsers use SQLite for crying out loud.

For a few years, I've considered taking the entire amalgamation and porting
it to Pascal (Delphi/FPC) so I have exactly zero reliance on DLLs.  No
worries about OBJ files, no worries about dependencies, I just include a
unit and my app is now database aware.  I know 386 assembly, and I can
always read up on other specifications if I needed to.  My problem is that
gaming gets in the way.

My 2016 wish list for SQLite is that all developers who write for, or use
directly or indirectly, any database engine out on the market has a safe
and happy 2016 and beyond.

Haven't the mORMot guys already done this -
http://synopse.info/fossil/wiki?name=SQLite3+Framework? I think they have a
means of compiling sqlite access directly into Delphi and Freepascal.

If anyone feels like replying to the quoted message or thread starter, dated 2016 January 7 PST, please first look at the SQLite list archives for Jan 7-8 first as a discussion already occurred then. I personally think the subject has already run its course. -- Darren Duncan

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