On Sat, 7 Jan 2017 09:27:57 -0500, Gan Uesli Starling
<g...@starling.us> wrote:

> So I'm trying to accumulate data for state/prov inside of USA, Canada 
> and Mexico, and country for the rest of the world.
> Since country and state from the same update are factors in incrementing 
> each of four tables, I was hoping to simplify it with a single select 
> with 'AS' and then re-use the AS-value in every case. This as opposed to 
> the redundancy of selecting the same thing anew every time. See as 
> below. It passes syntax but fails on exectute, saying there is no column 
> 's'. Is there some way to do this? To hold the 'state' and 'country' and 
> reuse them like a variable from one query to the next for sequential 
> comparisons?

SQLite doesn't support variables in the way you try to use here.

You can try one of the following:

1- Replace every c and s in the UPDATE statements 
   by (SELECT ...)

2- prefix every UPDATE with a common tabel expression 
   that delivers the reuired values, and use them with
   a (SELECT ...) as above

3- perhaps do something smart with an updateble view using an 
   INSTEAD OF trigger, and supply the values once to the 
   UPDATE myview statement.

> -- Trigger for incrementing country & region counts for 160m band, 
> QSO-by-QSO.
> DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS _160m_Increment;
> CREATE TRIGGER _160m_Increment
>     NEW.freq LIKE '1.%'
>     SELECT country AS c FROM qth WHERE rowid = NEW.qth_other_id;
>     SELECT state   AS s FROM qth WHERE rowid = NEW.qth_other_id;
>     UPDATE usa_state SET _160m = 1 + (SELECT _160m FROM usa_state WHERE 
> state = s)   WHERE state = s AND c = 'USA';
>     UPDATE mx_state  SET _160m = 1 + (SELECT _160m FROM mx_state WHERE 
> state = s)   WHERE state = s AND c = 'Mexico';
>     UPDATE ca_prov   SET _160m = 1 + (SELECT _160m FROM ca_prov WHERE 
> prov  = s)   WHERE prov  = s AND c = 'Canada';
>     UPDATE world     SET _160m = 1 + (SELECT _160m FROM world WHERE 
> country = c) WHERE country = c;
> END;


Kees Nuyt

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