Hi Brett,

I believe SQLite doesn't use the standard memory allocation routines, but 
instead has its own routines. These (might) use global variables. If each 
module of your application statically links to the SQLite source rather than 
having SQLite in a common DLL, then each module will have its own set of global 
variables. As such, passing raw SQLite pointers across module boundaries can 
result in undefined behaviour. I suspect other issues could also occur with 
other global variables in SQLite.

Note that passing the raw pointer is not the real culprit, but rather having 
different modules attempt to work on the pointer. For example:, the following 
should work fine:
sqlite3* pDb = DLL1GetDb();

But either of the following could fail:
sqlite3* pDb = DLL1GetDb();
// or, if the calling module is not DLL1

Personally, to enforce this I do not expose (either in arguments or return 
values) raw sqlite objects (dbs, statements, or anything else) in exported 

If you already have SQLite in a common DLL, or you perform all sqlite3_* calls 
from the same module, I apologise for wasting your time.

Also, SQLite is written in C so it uses error return codes rather than throwing 
exceptions. The exception you are catching would have to be thrown by another 
library that SQLite is calling. This would mean that the output of 
sqlite3_errmsg is likely unrelated to the exception since SQLite would never 
have intercepted it. Perhaps your debugging environment could tell you more 
details of the real proximate cause of the error (unless the you mean that the 
error message of the exception, by coincidence, was the same as a standard 
SQLite error message)


 - Barry 

> On 8 Feb 2017, at 9:30 AM, Brett Goodman <bre...@eztools-software.com> wrote:
> Hello Sqlite users.  I have a problem I can't solve.  I have a C++ DLL 
> project in which I compile the Sqlite amalgamation code. The purpose is to 
> wrap the key Sqlite functions with exported functions I can call from another 
> C++ COM DLL.   I'm using VS2003 for this because its part of a legacy 
> product.  I've been using this project for years, updating the Sqlite source 
> code from time to time with no problems.  I can call functions like 
> sqlite3_open_v2, sqlite3_prepare, sqlite3_step, etc. with no problems.  Now 
> I'm trying to integrate the Backup API.  When I call sqlite3_backup_init it 
> throws this error: _/"library /__/
> /__/routine called out of sequence"/_.  I want to step into the Sqlite code 
> to find out why but for some reason my debugger won't allow me to step into 
> the C code from my C++ code.  So I'm hoping someone can help me.  Below is my 
> C++ implementation which I modeled from the sample on this page: 
> sqlite.org/backup.html.  My calling code is from a VB6 project which simply 
> creates/opens a memory DB and calls the below function (via my COM DLL).  Any 
> help is much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> BrettG
> SQLITE_DLL_API int backup( /*sqlite3*/ void* pdb, const WCHAR *pFilename, 
> BOOL toFile )
> {
>  int rc;
>  sqlite3 *pFileDb;
>  sqlite3_backup *pBackup;
>  sqlite3 *pTo;
>  sqlite3 *pFrom;
>  CTextConverter c(CP_UTF8);
>  //rc = sqlite3_open_v2( c.U2M(pFilename), &pFileDb, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE, 
> NULL);
>  rc = sqlite3_open( c.U2M(pFilename), &pFileDb);
>  if( rc==SQLITE_OK )
>  {
>    try
>    {
>        sqlite3 *pMemoryDb = (sqlite3*) pdb;
>        pFrom = (toFile ? pMemoryDb : pFileDb);
>        pTo   = (toFile ? pFileDb     : pMemoryDb);
>        // this line throws exception:  "library routine called out of 
> sequence"
> *pBackup = sqlite3_backup_init(pTo, "main", pFrom, "temp");*
>        if( pBackup )
>        {
>            sqlite3_backup_step(pBackup, -1);
>            sqlite3_backup_finish(pBackup);
>        }
>        rc = sqlite3_errcode(pTo);
>        sqlite3_close(pFileDb);
>    }
>    catch(...)
>    {
>        sqlite3_close(pFileDb);
>        const char* err = sqlite3_errmsg( (sqlite3*) pdb );
>        throw err;
>    }
>  }
>  return rc;
> }
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