Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a table vmstat that I use to store vmstat info. ;-)
> At the moment it has more as 661 thousand records.
> In principle the values of usertime, systemtime, idletime, waittime and
> stolentime should add up to 100. I just wanted to check it. Of-course there
> could be a rounding error, so I wrote the following query:
> SELECT date
> ,      time
> ,      usertime
> ,      systemtime
> ,      idletime
> ,      waittime
> ,      stolentime
> ,      (usertime + systemtime + idletime + waittime + stolentime) AS
> totaltime
> FROM   vmstat
> WHERE  totaltime  < 99 OR totaltime > 101
> I did not like that, so I rewrote the WHERE to:
> WHERE  ABS(100 - totaltime) > 1
> The funny thing the second WHERE is more efficient as the first, where I
> would have expected it to be the other way around.
> The first takes around 1.050 milliseconds.
> The second takes around  950 milliseconds.
> So the second is around 10% more efficient. Why is this?
> In case it is important: I did this in sqlitebrowser 3.7.0, which uses
> SQLite

I suspect  that when you use "WHERE ABS(100 - totaltime) > 1"
SQLite cannot use an index since it's an expression, so it does a
full table scan, whereas the other solution which does
"WHERE  totaltime  < 99 OR totaltime > 101"
may use an index on totaltime (assuming that there is an index).

In general using an index is good.  But if most of the records
satisfy the condition "ABS(100 - totaltime) > 1" then an index
can be more harmful than useful.   And that could explain
why using "WHERE ABS(100 - totaltime) > 1" is a bit faster.
You could try "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN" on your queries to
see if they use an index or if they do a full table scan.

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