I'm not at all sure this is the right place to ask, but as it only comes up
when I'm running one of
my sqlite jobs, I thought I'd start here.  I'm running Python 3.5 scripts
in Linux 16.04.1 using the sqlite3 package.  Machine is Core i5, 32GB RAM.

Some of my stuff takes a while to run, and I like to keep tabs on it.
Right now, I'm running one of those, and the Linux top command shows
extremely small CPU usage, and a status ("S" column) of "D" which the man
page defines as "uninterruptable sleep".  Huh?

My code does not use an intentional sleep at all.  It's traversing parts of
a graph, and not interacting with anything else.  As far as I know, anyway,
and I wrote the whole thing.

Now it's true that it's updating the consequences of changes to graph nodes
that took about 3 hours just to install, so taking a while is not a
surprise by itself.  I just wonder what that status means and how it could

word of the year: *kakistocracy*
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