On 3/22/17, Domingo Alvarez Duarte <mingo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Richard !
> I noticed that sqlite do not use any memoization in json1 functions.
> For example jsonExtractFunc and others parse the json string every time
> it's called even when the json string is the same.
> minimal example : "select json_extract(json, '$.name') name,
> json_extract(json, '$.address') name from some_table;"
> Could be possible to have some kind of memoization as a general option
> for any sqlite functions ?'

In paragraph 3.0 of https://www.sqlite.org/json1.html:  "All json1
functions currently throw an error if any of their arguments are BLOBs
because BLOBs are reserved for a future enhancement in which BLOBs
will store the binary encoding for JSON."

But let me ask this:  Have you actually measured a performance
problem?  Or are you just assuming that because the implementation
parses the JSON anew each time it see it that it must therefore be

D. Richard Hipp
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