I've noticed with 3.18.0 that it's possible to make a database increase in
size after running pragma integrity_check (which returns "ok") and then
running vacuum.

Alternatively, vacuuming without running pragma integrity_check first keeps
the database the same size as before.

The page size on the database in question is 1024. The database starts with
no pages in the freelist. I can't reproduce this with 3.17.0.

SQLite version 3.18.0 2017-03-28 18:48:43
Enter ".help" for usage hints.

--1) Before the vacuum. Database page count = 3077, and the freelist page
count is 0:
sqlite> .dbinfo
database page size:  1024
write format:        1
read format:         1
reserved bytes:      0
file change counter: 52
database page count: 3077
freelist page count: 0
schema cookie:       19
schema format:       4
default cache size:  0
autovacuum top root: 0
incremental vacuum:  0
text encoding:       1 (utf8)
user version:        0
application id:      0
software version:    3008010
number of tables:    2
number of indexes:   1
number of triggers:  0
number of views:     0
schema size:         309

--2) Running a vacuum (without pragma integrity_check) results in the same
size of database: 3077 page count and 0 freelist page count:
sqlite> vacuum;
sqlite> .dbinfo
database page size:  1024
write format:        1
read format:         1
reserved bytes:      0
file change counter: 53
database page count: 3077
freelist page count: 0
schema cookie:       20
schema format:       4
default cache size:  0
autovacuum top root: 0
incremental vacuum:  0
text encoding:       1 (utf8)
user version:        0
application id:      0
software version:    3018000
number of tables:    2
number of indexes:   1
number of triggers:  0
number of views:     0
schema size:         309

--3) Now running pragma integrity_check which returns "ok", and then
vacuuming. This increases the database page count to 3236:
sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
sqlite> vacuum;
sqlite> .dbinfo
database page size:  1024
write format:        1
read format:         1
reserved bytes:      0
file change counter: 54
database page count: 3236
freelist page count: 0
schema cookie:       21
schema format:       4
default cache size:  0
autovacuum top root: 0
incremental vacuum:  0
text encoding:       1 (utf8)
user version:        0
application id:      0
software version:    3018000
number of tables:    2
number of indexes:   1
number of triggers:  0
number of views:     0
schema size:         309

Here is the full schema:
CREATE TABLE bids_list (report_id INTEGER, price_id INTEGER, premium_id
INTEGER, period_inactive INTEGER DEFAULT (0) CHECK (period_inactive IN (0,
CREATE TABLE bids_dates (report_id integer primary key, date text, current
integer check (current in (0, 1)));
CREATE INDEX idx_price_id ON bids_list (price_id);
/* No STAT tables available */

Is the pragma fixing something in the index perhaps?
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