"Another option is to create an "Unknown" customer, and link any new  orders to 
it. You can easily change that parent-id on the order later."This solution 
seems not work (especially in my case) because it is easy to have more than one 
unknown customer. Then I can't decide who orders what later.

The other solution (from stackoverflow) is to use "Deferred Foreign Key 
Constraints". That seems quite promising. 


At 2017-03-31 19:44:56, "R Smith" <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:
>On 2017/03/31 12:08 PM, 邱朗 wrote:
>> Say my mobile app has a customer table, a product table, and an order table 
>> to record who buys what, the order table basically has 2 foreign keys, 
>> customer_id & product_id.
>> Now I got the order information first, within in it I can't find the 
>> customer information in my local sqlite table. As it turns out this is a new 
>> customer, whose information will come later from another thread/queue. To 
>> make things even worse the customer id I got from the order information is 
>> not the same one I used locally. My local customer id is INTEGER PRIMARY KEY 
>> (I do record that "true customer id" as another column and set index on it)
>> So how I do record this order information? I can come up with some clumsy 
>> solution, e.g. if I can't find contact info, I insert a record for it first. 
>> Later after I get the real information for this customer, I update customer 
>> & order table. But I was wondering is there any "standard" way for the 
>> situation like this?
>> BTW, I did ask the same question at stackoverflow, but because I use sqlite 
>> (while all the data come from web storing in MySQL) I was wondering if 
>> sqlite has any specific solution for it.
>Your question would arise no matter which DB you use, so it's not really 
>an SQLite question - but - we're a fun bunch of people, and many here 
>would have run into the same problem, so you might find some answers.
>To start with, Your "clumsy" idea is not so clumsy, it is a practice 
>some people use. The flaw in that is when the customer actually existed 
>already, you just didn't know who it was, so now you end up with 2 
>records that mean the same customer with disjointed keys and Orders 
>connected to both.
>What we usually do is put any orders that are new in a table that looks 
>exactly like the orders table (only without any foreign key constraints 
>and such) and then move them to the main order table as soon as they are 
>confirmed and connected to a customer. This also helps if this is, for 
>instance, an online interface or help-desk type system and people can 
>make orders which they might still cancel or amend, etc.
>The biggest problem with this method is that for queries on "current 
>orders" you would need to join the output from the two tables - easy 
>enough to do, but if you already have millions of lines of code, it 
>could involve a lot of changes.
>Another option is to create an "Unknown" customer, and link any new 
>orders to it. You can easily change that parent-id on the order later.
>If however your problem boils down to you not being "sure" if you have 
>now the correct parent (at the point of insert) - we can't help you with 
>that. You have to either be sure, or use a temporary situation until you 
>Whatever the solution you find, at the point stuff gets inserted to a 
>permanent table with foreign key constraints, all the correct 
>constraint-related information/links has to be known.
>HTH - Cheers,
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