
I'm the author of GRDB.swift [1], a Swift wrapper around SQLite which aims, 
among other things, at notifying of transactions that may have an impact on a 
the results of a SELECT statement.

For example, `SELECT a, b FROM table1` is impacted by `DELETE FROM table1`, but 
not by `UPDATE table1 SET c = 1` or `INSERT INTO table2 (...)`.

To achieve this feature, GRDB uses a sqlite3_set_authorizer callback [2]. For 
example, the callback is given SQLITE_READ which tells that `SELECT a, b FROM 
table1` uses the columns a and b from table1. The authorizer callback can also 
been given SQLITE_INSERT, which tells that `INSERT INTO table2 (...)` performs 
an insertion in table2.

Those pieces of information can be compared together, so that one can deduce 
that `INSERT INTO table2 (...)` has no impact on `SELECT a, b FROM table1`, but 
`DELETE FROM table1` has.

Now, enter `COUNT(*)`. The sqlite3_set_authorizer callback is told nearly 
nothing about the `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1`. Especially not that table1 is 
used. It is only told that the COUNT function is called throuh SQLITE_FUNCTION. 
That's all. That is more than nothing, because one can deduce from a call to 
the COUNT function that *any* statement can have an impact on `SELECT COUNT(*) 
FROM table1`. For example, `INSERT INTO table2 (...)` will be assumed to have 
an impact on `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1`.

Unfortunately, this is less than ideal. I understand the situation: `SELECT 
COUNT(*) FROM table1` does not access values from the table1 table, and thus 
does not need any authorization. But I suggest that sqlite3_set_authorizer is 
so close from giving a full picture of the columns and table read by a 
statement that it's a pity that a simple COUNT(*) is able to ruin the picture.

So here is my feature request: please have the sqlite3_set_authorizer callback 
given the full list of tables and columns used by a statement.

Gwendal Roué
[1] http://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift
[2] https://sqlite.org/c3ref/set_authorizer.html

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