Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> Each row from the CSV required several tables with relationships to be 
> populated. One could
> certainly abstract this out into an api, but that can have impacts on 
> performance for large
> batch processing if you are creating parameters for every insert rather than 
> reusing them.
> In simple cases, the code is trivial but in this example, it looks terrible 
> given the number of
> Command instances...

.NET's handling of SQL parameter objects is horribly verbose.

If you had access to the SQLite C API, you could write a helper function
that automatically created all the parameter objects for you.  But even
so, you can write a helper function with a list of parameter names:

  var attributeCommand = CreateCommandHelperFunction(
            @"INSERT INTO Attribute
                  (Type, Value, AccountId)
                  (@Type, @Value, @AccountId)",
            "@Type", "@Value", "@AccountId"

If the returned object is your own wrapper, you can also make the
parameter binding easier; something like this:

  attributeCommand.bindParameter(1,        type);   // or:
  attributeCommand.bindParameter("@Value", value);

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