On May 19, 2017 1:21:49 PM EDT, Paul Sanderson <sandersonforens...@gmail.com> 
>Is the autoindex associated when using unique with an integer primary
>definition redundant?
>I have seen a number of DBs/tables created in the following form:
>Create table test(id integer unique primary key);
>Insert into test values (1);
>Insert into test values (2);
>Insert into test values (3);
>The table is created and populated as expected, but an
>sqlite_autoindex_test_1 is also created with content that mirrors
>the rowid/id.
>Is the autoindex redundant and is this an opportunity for optimisation?
>Using 3.18.0
>skype: r3scue193
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A primary key is by definition unique, so the unique constraint is needless 
duplication. Note, too, that the primary key is only an alias for the rowid 
when using the formulation "integer primary key" exactly. 
J. King
sqlite-users mailing list

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