I downloaded sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3190000.zip from this site: 
I unzipped it.sqldiff.exe, sqlite3.exe and sqlite3_analyzer.exe were placed in 
the folder
I placed the Leona.rmcg file in the same folder as the sqlite3.exeI double 
clicked on sqlite3.exeI noticed my comand prompt had sqlite and not sqlite3.  
Your examples below have sqlite3.
I entered the following:sqlite> sqlite3 Leona.rmgc   ...> PRAGMA 
integrity_check;Error: near "sqlite3": syntax errorsqlite> sqlite3 [Leona.rmgc] 
  ...> PRAGMA integrity_check;Error: near "sqlite3": syntax errorsqlite>
I wasn't sure if i needed the [ ] around the file name so it did it with and 
without.  I got the same results.

      From: Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>
 To: SQLite mailing list <sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org> 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 4:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [sqlite] Is this a problem?

On 23 May 2017, at 6:07pm, moma...@yahoo.com wrote:
> I ran the following query over my RootMagic 7 (Version – 24 Jan 
> 2017)database in SQLite Spy (Version 1.9.11 Win32):

Neither of these matter.  Neither of these tell you which version of SQLite 
they’re running.  However, the fact that one of them reports corruption does 
suggest there’s something worth investigating.

Please download the SQLite shell tool from "Precompiled Binaries" for your 
platform on the SQLite download page:


Instructions for use here:


But basically …

command prompt> sqlite3 [database filename]
sqlite3> PRAGMA integrity_check;
sqlite3> .quit

Use this tool to execute the pragma you were using: "PRAGMA integrity_check;".  
If it reports your database as corrupt it is definitely corrupt.  If not, 
you’re okay.

At that point you had better contact RootMagic for support.  SQLite can make an 
uncorrupt database from yours, but it might lose data because you don’t know 
what data was lost or overwritten.  RootMagic support are best placed to 
investigate what went wrong and tell you what to do about it.
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