On 6/29/17, 1:22 AM, "sqlite-users on behalf of Robert M. Münch" 
<sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org on behalf of 
robert.mue...@saphirion.com> wrote:
> Hi, sorry, should have mentioned that this doesn't work in my case, because 
> we are building the column placeholders dynamically. So, we would have to 
> handle putting the necessary column names in there all the time, which is not 
> feasible.

I have been generating SQL dynamically on a number of projects over the past 
10+ years, and have found that generating INSERT with column names in is (a) 
not really that much extra work, and (b) eliminates a whole class of bugs 
involving schema changes or even schema regeneration. It’s genuinely worth 
taking the time to do it right.

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