On Tue, Aug 01, 2017 at 10:56:47AM -0700, Matt Chambers wrote:
> load_extension() has the very sensible behavior of:
> > So for example, if "samplelib" cannot be loaded, then names like
> > "samplelib.so" or "samplelib.dylib" or "samplelib.dll" might be tried
> > also.
> I would like to see that extended to include "libsamplelib.so" since that is
> the default naming scheme on many *nix platforms. This simple change would
> allow me to use the same base library name for my extension on both Windows
> and Linux. Otherwise I have to modify my build system to override its
> default behavior of adding the lib prefix on Linux.

You're mistaken.

lib<name>.so is NOT "the default naming scheme on many *nix platforms".

lib<name>.so is the naming scheme when you want the link-editor (e.g.,
ld(1)) to find a library using -l<name>.

But loadable modules are almost never meant to be used that way.
They're usually meant to be used only through dlopen() and friends.

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