

(I have a feeling that this will be depressingly simple - but I just can't
see it right now.)


The following code is failing with: Error: near line 3: no such column:



with dtls as (select distinct wrk.mapname as mapname2




              from waPSM_TABLE_MAPNAME_WRK as wrk

              inner join relation as rel

                 on wrk.queryid = 1

                and wrk.queryid = rel.queryid

                and wrk.tablename = rel.name

              inner join User_Database as udb

                 on wrk.databasename = udb.udb_name

                and rel.udb_key = udb.udb_key)

update relation

  set wamapname = dtls.mapname2

where queryid = dtls.queryid

  and udb_key = dtls.udb_key

  and tablename = dtls.tablename;


I'm running it using the windows 32-bit shell program v3.20.1


If I just run the CTE component by itself it runs fine.


What am I missing?


All help greatly appreciated,






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