As far as a use case, something like this would be great for use in the CLI for 
example. Sometimes I'll run a query expecting a dozen results only to get page 
after page scrolling by. Having something akin to "select changes();" that 
returns an instant answer of how many were selected would be great, as opposed 
to re-running the whole query as a "select count(*) from (original query);" Or 
something like the .changes option that would show a final line of "selected: 
123,456 rows"

Side note: The page after page of unexpected results scrolling by is why I'd 
love a ctrl-c event in the CLI that stops the current query but keeps the 
connection open. If I've attached a few databases and populated a handful of 
temp tables then it's a choice of getting some coffee while all the results 
scroll by, or killing it and spending the same time re-populating the temp 
tables. There's no way to just stop the query and keep the CLI open. (That I'm 
aware of anyway)
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