On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Phoenix <rwm.phoe...@btinternet.com>

> I am trying to retrieve some numeric data from a table using COBOL (not
> a 'C' programmer).
> sqlite3_column_type says its type '2' so I am using
> sqlite3_column_double to return the data. The problem is that the

​SQLite3 is different from many other RDMS systems. In something like
PostgreSQL, I would do an SQL similar to " SELECT REAL_COLUMN::TEXT FROM
TABLE;" to cas​t the real data to a text value. In SQLite3, you can simply
sue the "sqlite3_column_text" to return the data. The SQLite3 engine will
"cast" the real data to a textual form.

On page: http://sqlite.org/c3ref/column_blob.html , it states:

The first six interfaces (_blob, _double, _int, _int64, _text, and _text16)
each return the value of a result column in a specific data format. If the
result column is not initially in the requested format (for example, if the
query returns an integer but the sqlite3_column_text() interface is used to
extract the value) then an automatic type conversion is performed.

> language I am using does not seem to like REAL numbers as I'm getting a
> zero value.
> From what I have been able to workout it should be possible to return a
> REAL number as a formatted text string, which would make things easier
> for me, but am not sure of the details to do it.
> I am not looking for somebody to do this, just some breadcrumbs to point
> me in the correct direction.
> regards, Robert
*L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu*

Maranatha! <><
John McKown
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