
> Your text makes it look like you think that that kind of corruption affects 
> only existing rows.  This is not the case.  If you continue to write to a 
> database which shows this problem, you can lose more of the existing rows 
> and/or the new data you're trying to write.  The proper reaction to any such 
> errors is to revert to an uncorrupted backup or, at minimum, to do VACUUM or 
> REINDEX then check that the data is still consistent and plausible.

I am aware that other issues may exist. If the integrity_check did not return 
"ok" we would then try and fix the issues using the command line tooling. 
Generally if/when there is an issue it is reasonably minor, and a VACUUM or 
REINDEX fixes it.  My concern was that the newer C# driver is showing different 
behaviour to the old driver when tested against the exact same sqlite file (I 
have unit tests covering this scenario).  I have to justify changing our source 
code because of it.


> Have you run "PRAGMA integrity_check;" from the command line shell against 
> the same database and does it return rows or just throw the same exception?

Thanks for the suggestion, I have just run a test database that is "corrupted" 
using the latest sqlite3 download

SQLite version 3.21.0 2017-10-24 18:55:49
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> .open entities-corrupt.db3
sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
Error: database disk image is malformed
sqlite> pragma quick_check;
sqlite> REINDEX;
sqlite> pragma quick_check;
sqlite> pragma integrity_check;

So it looks like the actual engine is doing this now. This helps me justify 
altering our code base, to work with the revised behaviour.

Kind Regards,
Fugro Intersite.

Barry Roberts.<> |

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