petern wrote:
> So, at the very least, the documentation at
> is woefully incomplete because:
> 1. The identical function in a different column of the same SELECT has a
> separate meta-data cache.

This is an implementation detail of the current version.

> 2. Functions with identical names and different arg count, yet sharing
> common identical meta data argument at the specified argument index, use a
> separate meta-data cache.

This is an implementation detail of the current version.

> Ideally, these problems should be fixed instead of simply being documented
> away.  And, if they are fixed, SELECT columns can have an efficient,
> thread-safe, and powerful new expressiveness for the idioms of running
> sums, running products, running concatenations, synthetic id columns, and
> so on.

The auxdata is intended as a cache, so it must depend only on the
argument value, not on any other state.

If you want to do something different, store the data elsewhere.  And
there is not much of a guarantee when or how often user-defined functions
are called, so even with your desired changes to the auxdata mechanism,
you would not get the desired result.

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