
Richard, I like to ask you, just to make sure; has the `order by` "bug"/issue, as result from automatic float->int conversion, been considered by you and if yes, do you plan any changes?



Ralf Junker wrote:
Hello René Tegel,

May i add to that that 'order by' also seems involved, see below. This can lead to really 
unexpected errors... "order by 1.0 * b / c" as workaround solves it btw.

Thanks for pointing this out.

I am sure we will be able to come up with even more examples where the 
confusion of INTEGER / REAL numbers leads to unexpected errors.

Differating between floating point operator '/' and integer operator 'DIV' like 
some program languages do would lead to predictable output.

Surely one possible solutions, but it very likely does not conform to the SQL 
standard (but I haven't checked). On the other hand, the sqlite3 column 
affinity does not result in standard output either for the examples given in 
this thread.

Is there any chance that the problem will be addressed in the forseable future? 
Do we need to create a ticket to put it on the agenda?



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