On 14/12/2017 00:02, Keith Medcalf wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 December, 2017 13:35, Lifepillar <lifepil...@lifepillar.me> 

I am implementing an extension for manipulating IEEE754 decimal
numbers. Numbers are stored as blobs using a standard encoding.
Numbers that are mathematically equal may have different
representations, (e.g., 1.0 may have mantissa 10 and exponent -1
while 1.00 may have mantissa 100 and exponent -2).

You have stated something that is impossible, or at least self-contradictory.  Unless, of course, 
you are talking about the "decimal" formats of IEEE754-2008 and not the standard (far 
more common) "binary" formats.

Yes, I am talking about decimal IEEE754-2008 format, not binary. I thought this would be clear from my use of the word "decimal" and from my example.

On the other hand however if you do NOT need binary64 at all, then there was a minor 
change discussed a while back by someone else where you can "change" the 
default floating-point number format from binary64 to decimal64 and then compile your own 
custom version of SQLite3 ...

Thanks for the tip! I will search for that discussion, although I would rather not modify SQlite3 source code if I can find another solution.

I am not familiar with virtual tables yet, but I see that they are used, for example, to implement Rtree indexes. Would it be feasible to implement my own index structure as a virtual table and use it to index a blob column in a standard table (or even just in the virtual table itself)? I mean, would the optimizer be able to take advantage of such an index?

(Sorry if my questions sound naive, I'm still pretty new to SQLite.)


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