Use a trigger and make it raise an exception, something like (not tested, just 
an example of how it might work):

CREATE TRIGGER <name> BEFORE INSERT ON <table> WHEN NEW.parent == NEW.child 
BEGIN RAISE(FAIL, 'connecting to self not allowed') END;

You may also require a similar BEFORE UPDATE trigger to avoid changes that 
violate the condition.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: sqlite-users [] Im 
Auftrag von Shane Dev
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. Dezember 2017 07:30
An: SQLite mailing list <>
Betreff: [EXTERNAL] [sqlite] Can we create a table where the value of one 
particular column <> another column?

Let's say we have nodes and edges tables -

sqlite> .sch nodes
CREATE TABLE nodes(id integer primary key, description text);
sqlite> .sch edges
CREATE TABLE edges(parent references nodes, child references nodes);

Can we restrict the edges table so that inserting or updating a row where 
edges.parent = edges.child is not allowed and ideally would produce an error 

sqlite> insert into nodes select 1, 'node1'; insert into nodes select 2,
sqlite> 'node2'; insert into edges select 1, 2; insert into edges select
sqlite> 1, 1;
-- should be an error here
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 Gunter Hick | Software Engineer | Scientific Games International GmbH | 
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