If a different perspective may be helpful to you:
If moving overhead to writes is an option (ie you dont have many or time
critical writes), then the tree descendants problem can be sped up to
stellar speeds by using a path column.

add a column "path" in the nodes table that would contain something like
"1.2.3" for node 3 that is descendant of node 2 that is descendant of node
Then querying 2's descendant would result in the following range:
"path">='1.2.' AND "path"<'1.2/' or you can try using LIKE semantics - both
can use an index if you are careful with collation; I found out the hard way
that the range queries are more resilient and portable, SQLite and others
have a pretty awkward way of plugging in the LIKE optimisations that may
result in the index being skipped for not-so-obvious reasons.

Inserting nodes is trivial, but moving edges requires an algorithm to update
paths (whenever a node's parent changes, all descendant's paths must be
updated). However, for most real-world ontology use scenarios, this
opperation happens very rarely and usually on the admin range of functions,
so you can afford this operation that can be pretty slow.

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