叶落天下秋 wrote:
> select * from fts where fts match 'H & M';
> synatx error near &

The documentation <http://www.sqlite.org/fts5.html#fts5_strings> says:
| An FTS5 bareword is a string of one or more consecutive characters that are 
all either:
| * Non-ASCII range characters (i.e. unicode codepoints greater than 127), or
| * One of the 52 upper and lower case ASCII characters, or
| * One of the 10 decimal digit ASCII characters, or
| * The underscore character (unicode codepoint 96).
| * The substitute character (unicode codepoint 26).
| Strings that include any other characters must be quoted.  Characters
| that are not currently allowed in barewords, are not quote characters
| and do not currently serve any special purpose in FTS5 query
| expressions may at some point in the future be allowed in barewords or
| used to implement new query functionality. This means that queries
| that are currently syntax errors because they include such a character
| outside of a quoted string may be interpreted differently by some
| future version of FTS5.

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