On 1/19/18, Leonard Lausen <leon...@lausen.nl> wrote:
> A crash in sqlite crashes plasmashell. Downstream bug
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=388140. Please find the backtrace
> below:

(1) These kinds of things are almost always the result of heap
corruption in the application.  In other words, there is nothing wrong
with SQLite.  SQLite just happened to be the unlucky victim to first
stumble over the corrupted heap.  In fact, we find that whenever there
is heap corruption of any sort, SQLite is more likely that most other
libraries to be the first to stumble into it.

(2) You have provided us very little to go on:  There is no version
number on the SQLite library, no information on the platform on which
the application is running, no line-number information on the stack
trace, and no reproducible test case.

(3) Given the above, we will take no action on this.

(4) We will reconsider (3) if you can provide a scintilla of evidence
that SQLite is at fault.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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