On Tue, 6 Feb 2018 19:33:10 -0700 (MST), Nick
<haveagoodtime2...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>  (a) an error result of some kind or (b) a corrupt database. 
> I did not see any info about errmsg.

Your code doesn't check the returncode of the sqlite3_* calls.

>>  Are your processes using the same database connection or does each one
>> have its own ? 
> Two processes have two sqlite3_open(). So each one has its own.
>>  Are you checking the result codes returned by all the API calls ? 
> Yes. I use speedtest1.c as model code. 
>      speedtest1_exec("BEGIN");
>      speedtest1_prepare("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(?1,?2,?3); --  %d times",
> n);
>      for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
>        rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(g.pStmt, 1, i);
>        rc = sqlite3_bind_int(g.pStmt, 2, i);
>        rc = sqlite3_bind_text(g.pStmt, 3, "hello", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
>        speedtest1_run();
>      }
>      speedtest1_exec("COMMIT");
> And I have checked rc = SQLITE_OK.

I assume speedtest1_run() calls sqlite3_step(), but does it
check the return code? I suspect _step() returns SQLITE_BUSY

>>  Can you reliably get less than 20000 rows ? 
> Yes, always less than 20000.
> Process A inserts 1-10000 and process B inserts 10001-20000. I found that
> the first few rows is missing in the result. I mean there is no 10001-10xxx.
>>  Does the problem go away if you use threadsafe = 2 ? 
> The problem is still here.

Because the test uses two processes, every process is
single-threaded, no risc of concurrency between threads.

PRAGMA busy_timeout might be helpful.

Kees Nuyt
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