> I'm not sure I understand your logic. Your left join
> indicates that there are records missing from table2,
> so I would expect that you want to insert the missing
> records into table2. Assuming that's what you meant,
>   insert into table2
>   select * from table1
>   where table1.field not in (select field from table2)
> or
>   insert into table2
>   select * from table1
>   where not exists
>     (select field from table2 where table2.field=table1.field)
> The subquery in the first form is static (executed only
> once). The subquery in the second form is correlated
> (executed many times), but the second form can be
> faster in some circumstances.

I missed out a bit of the logic. I want to be able to ask the user if
they want to approve the addition of the new record, so I need to be
able to do this as two separate operations, rather than combine them
into a single sql statement.


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