Let me suggest an interpretation that seems to comply with the current implementation of "substr".

1. String X is stored in a (ficticious) infinite array, the cells of which are indexed -*, ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,.., +*.
2. String X is stored from cell 1 upward.
3. String 'abcd' is stored in cells [1,4]. Cells [-*,0] and [5,+*] are empty.
4. Parameters X and Y specify a slice of the array.
5. Parameter Y, as described in the documentation, denotes any cell of the array, even if it doesn't contain a character of X. 6. Parameter Z, as described in the documentation, denotes any slice of the array, that may (but need not) include characters of X. 7. Function "substr" returns the contents of the non empty cells of this slice.

Some examples:

select substr('abcd',1,2);   --> slice [1,2]
select substr('abcd',0,2);   --> slice [0,2]
select substr('abcd',0,-2);  --> slice [-2,-1]
select substr('abcd',5,-3);  --> slice [2,4]
select substr('abcd',5,2);   --> slice [5,6]
select substr('abcd',-3,3);  --> slice [2,4]
select substr('abcd',-4,3);  --> slice [1,3]
select substr('abcd',-5,3);  --> slice [0,2]
select substr('abcd',-6,3);  --> slice [-1,1]
select substr('abcd',-7,3);  --> slice [-2,0]
select substr('abcd',2,0);   --> empty slice
select substr('abcd',-5,0);  --> empty slice

| substr('abcd',1,2)  |
| ab                  |
| substr('abcd',0,2)  |
| a                   |
| substr('abcd',0,-2) |
|                     |
| substr('abcd',5,-3) |
| bcd                 |
| substr('abcd',5,2)  |
|                     |
| substr('abcd',-3,3) |
| bcd                 |
| substr('abcd',-4,3) |
| abc                 |
| substr('abcd',-5,3) |
| ab                  |
| substr('abcd',-6,3) |
| a                   |
| substr('abcd',-7,3) |
|                     |
| substr('abcd',2,0)  |
|                     |
| substr('abcd',-5,0) |
|                     |

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