from what I've understood you're making this way too complicated.

A database would need an index to be able to find the item you want to
mark as is_logged. However you are always logging and saving the data
in a certain order, so i BTree is just a waste of space (and code).

My proposal would be:

1 struct representing a data point
struct datapoint {
        uint64_t timestamp;
        uint8_t sensor_id;
        uint8_t value;

And two pointer to keep track of your data on the flash:

uint8_t * next_insert_ptr
uint8_t * next_to_log_ptr

When you get a new datapoint, create it (pseudo code):
struct datapoint * dp = new_datapoint(time, sensor, value);
save_to_flash_at_address(dp, next_insert_ptr);
next_insert_ptr = increase_ptr(next_insert_ptr);

And when you're logging over bluetooth:
struct datapoint * dp = read_datapoint_from_flash(next_to_log_ptr);
next_to_log_ptr = increase_ptr(next_to_log_ptr);

The details I haven't bothered with here is for example:
* don't log value that is ahead of next_insert_ptr
* cycle memory, when 8 gb is full, start again at 0 (or some address
  above your code)
Fredrik Gustafsson

phone: +46 733-608274
e-mail: iv...@iveqy.com
website: http://www.iveqy.com
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