On 2018/03/22 3:21 PM, Ron Watkins wrote:
It doesn't seem to work that way. I have 192330 distinct dttm entries, but I 
still only get 1 row. It seems as the “date(dttm)” result is either null or the 
empty string for all records. Not sure why. This works in other databases, so 
there must be something subtle about the “date()” function or the “dttm” column 
that im missing here.

sqlite> select date(dttm) as dt,max(used_kb)/1024.0/1024.0 from foo group by dt 
order by 1;


sqlite> select count(distinct dttm) from foo;



Could you post the results of:

SELECT '_' || dttm || '_' FROM foo LIMIT 20;

The underscores are just so I can tell if there are any weird leading/trailing spaces in your data.
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